Hi, this is something new and different compared with the "Betas". I will not work more on betas and now this is the new name and project.
This new project is for the best High Quality possible that i can get changing and giving a new turn for the game. After more than four weeks trying many values ( i lost the count ) for many aspects of the game to see it results and performance, this is the first images about it.
For this Test 1:
1-Custom Palette.
2-More datailed Character Skins, Textures and Objects.
3-New Values for Bloom.
4-Added new Post-Processing.
5-More detailed shadows and occlusion.
6-New values for the colours and it changes depending of the ilumination, lights and bloom.
And more...
Before start please take in consideration all the time to easy spot the new changes in each image that the screenshots were taken with the game maxed in it video options ( with 4xAntiAliasing only ) and using Nvidias Ambient Occlusion. The "Original" images are the game without mod, just with max in graphics using the extra of Ambient Occlusion from Nvidia and the "New" images are with the mod active and using the Nvidias Ambient Occlusion.
This is about the new look of the characters:
Here other example:
This how the characters skins and textures look once you get close the flashlight of your weapon for example:
This change alot depending of the intensity of the light close to it and the post-proce of the new bloom.
I like this one so much, look the face of Louis and how his face and all textures response by the flashlight of the pistol.
The new values for the colours and it reactions depending of the ilumination, lights and shadows help to make this new quality and detail. See the next image and look again his face, arm and weapon...
The flashlight of his weapon look good and look his eyes.
Here other image of his skin.
Here you can see more cleary the quality of the textures depending of the lights, ilumination and shadows that are close to it or not. Btw behimd him was one spot light.
Look this Francis and the shotgun:
More about of the new characters look and Zoey coming soon...
Ok this is something that im working:
This is all for now..new updates coming soon and this is still heavy Work in Progress.
Thanks for your time.