jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

Beta 1

I will not ( for now ) talk about what editor(s), etc im using. This is just a test about my taste and vision trying to make look the game like Cinematic ? :) well lets see.

Images originals from the game maxed: 4xMSAA,16x AF,1600x1024 windoned mode just for edit,etc. With nvidia AO enable only
Enhanced Quality from the game maxed: 4xMSAA,16x AF,1600x1024 windoned mode just for edit with nvidia AO and more...

-This is not just one game or images with more color,contraste or dark,etc only. This use extra and advanced filters to make look the game much better. Filters like: AO, Bloom, Reflections, more Shadows, Color Corrections and more. The idea is enhanced it much more.

-Note: Please take your time to detail all images then you will spot the differences more easy.. thanks.

Originals and Makens Enhanced Quality in that way:

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